Many students are facing financial difficulties as the cost of college education rises. However, there are numerous scholarships and grants available for students who wish to study abroad. Most students are seeking for strategies to keep studying abroad cheap. After all, who wouldn’t like to save money on tuition and instead enjoy local cuisine and experiences?
Governments, organizations, and universities offer a wide range of scholarships and awards to students seeking overseas study opportunities. Here are some possibilities to explore, whether you’re a minority, a graduate student, or simply a regular college student:
Study Abroad Scholarships: Summer, Fall, and Spring
1. Education Abroad Fund
Deadlines: January (autumn, summer, academic year) and October (spring)
Award: $1,250–$10,000
Degree level: undergraduate
The Fund for Education Abroad offers scholarships to students who are underrepresented in study abroad programs. Students of color, first-generation college students, and community college students are given special consideration. They collaborate with organizations such as CAPA, AIFS, and SIT through their Access Partner Programme.
2. Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.
Deadline: March, October.
Awards: $3,000 (summer program).
$4,000 (fall and spring programs)
$5,000 (for the academic year program)
Bachelor’s degree level.
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship program, sponsored by the United States Department of State, awards grants to undergraduates in the United States with low financial resources in order to promote diversity in study abroad programs. It is a competitive grant offered annually to a small number of students interested in studying or interning abroad.
3. CIEE Study Abroad Scholarships & Grants.
Deadline: varies by program deadline
Award: up to $2,000 per student.
Bachelors degree level
The Council on International Educational Exchange provides a variety of scholarships and grants to minority students in the United States seeking to study abroad. They also grant merit-based scholarships. Applicants must include academic records, proof of financial need, a personal statement essay, and letters of recommendation.
4. USAC Scholarships.
Deadlines: March (summer), May (autumn), and October (spring).
Award: Varies.
Degree Level: Bachelors
The University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) offers scholarships to students who have a serious financial need. To be eligible, students must participate in USAC study abroad programs. USAC provides General Scholarships for Non-Consortium Affiliated Students, Legacy Scholarships, and Program-Specific Scholarships.